Future Sense · 144. Planetary Ascension About this Episode: Introducing the concept of a planetary-level trigger event that accelerates human ascension to the 5th dimension. Also looking at the current state of Layer 6, ‘woke’ culture and how our ‘way of knowing’...
Future Sense · Steve McDonald and George Kavassilas from Super Woo Radio About this Episode: An open and intimate conversation between Steve McDonald and George Kavassilas, the host of Super Woo Radio, about life, psychedelic plant medicines, the Graves model of...
Future Sense · 142. Steve McDonald Interviewed by Matt Xian on Xian Archive Podcast About this Episode: Xian Archive podcast host, Matt Xian, interviews Steve McDonald about his journey into the world of psychedelic medicines for the treatment of PTSD and then takes a...
Future Sense · 141. Desperate Measures About this Episode: A reflection on key social developments since the 1960s that have led to the current global crisis, including transnational networks, new methods of warfare, a collapsing economic system and the deployment of...
Future Sense · 140. Regression is a Sign of Progress About this Episode: A regressive values search is a natural part of the change progress. This episode explains how to use value systems as markers for measuring our progress through the global consciousness shift....
Future Sense · 139. Second Tier Values in a First Tier World About this Episode: A deep dive into how our values change as we enter into the Second Tier of human consciousness, plus some tips on supporting yourself during that process. Recorded on 2 March, 2021, in...