144. Planetary Ascension

144. Planetary Ascension

Future Sense · 144. Planetary Ascension About this Episode: Introducing the concept of a planetary-level trigger event that accelerates human ascension to the 5th dimension. Also looking at the current state of Layer 6, ‘woke’ culture and how our ‘way of knowing’...
144. Planetary Ascension

143. Steve McDonald and George Kavassilas from Super Woo Radio

Future Sense · Steve McDonald and George Kavassilas from Super Woo Radio About this Episode: An open and intimate conversation between Steve McDonald and George Kavassilas, the host of Super Woo Radio, about life, psychedelic plant medicines, the Graves model of...
144. Planetary Ascension

141. Desperate Measures

Future Sense · 141. Desperate Measures About this Episode: A reflection on key social developments since the 1960s that have led to the current global crisis, including transnational networks, new methods of warfare, a collapsing economic system and the deployment of...
144. Planetary Ascension

140. Regression is a Sign of Progress

Future Sense · 140. Regression is a Sign of Progress About this Episode: A regressive values search is a natural part of the change progress. This episode explains how to use value systems as markers for measuring our progress through the global consciousness shift....
139. Second Tier Values in a First Tier World

139. Second Tier Values in a First Tier World

Future Sense · 139. Second Tier Values in a First Tier World About this Episode: A deep dive into how our values change as we enter into the Second Tier of human consciousness, plus some tips on supporting yourself during that process. Recorded on 2 March, 2021, in...